When will I actually graduate??? Your guess is as good as mine. If you can figure it out, please let me know.
Here's my dilemma: next semester (which is Fall semester, the busiest semester of the year) only half of the culinary arts classes I need are going to be offered. Which half? The half that contains prerequisites for 50% of the classes that actually will be offered this Fall. Which means, that even though I should be able to take four culinary classes next semester, I can take TWO. And one of those two classes just so happen to be scheduled at the same time as one of the two Home and Family classes I need.
So, of the twenty-four credits I have left, this upcoming Fall semester will only allow me to take 8 of them.
Here is the Dilemma:
Do I:
A) Pay full tuition and take fluff classes, which requires sacrificing both time and money.
B) Pay tuition for only eight credits, thus disqualifying myself for any grants and scholarships, as well as the right to work on campus.
C) Take off Fall semester, which is immediately followed by my off-track, essentially totaling an entire school year taken off.
D) Magically befriend the BYU-Idaho scheduling fairies and make them add more culinary arts classes next semester.
Eighteen year-old me would have opted for option A. In fact, eighteen year-old me lived option A for her first year of college. Current me is tempted to opt for option C, because current me is beginning to feel a lot of pressure and concern over the large sum of federal loans she has accrued over the past four years. Current me doesn't want to face the responsibilities and decisions of growing up. Current me wants to give up, as her financial situation is really starting to scare her.
Yes, I'm scared to grow up.
This is the second semester in a row that I have run into this problem. Last semester, my creativity and my mom's creativity combined led me to a practical solution. This semester, I am seriously running out of options. And it's making me freak out. A lot. As much as I would love to live in the Rexburg college student bubble forever, the fact that I may have to stay here for who even knows how long does bother me. Just slightly.
I don't mean to complain. And I don't mean to talk negatively about BYU-Idaho. I adore this school. I really do. And I am having a beautiful semester, and I actually have a job prospect, and I have been hit with blessing after blessing after blessing. And in two days, I get to go to one of the most beautiful places in Utah to spend time with 5/13 of my favorite people on the planet. Opposition in all things I guess.
Luckily, I happen to be blessed enough to have been born to the wisest mother on the whole entire planet. Almost from infancy she has permanently engraved these words.
Day by day I live by faith. All will be well.