Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Who are you...

...and what have you done with the real Taunalee???

I don't even recognize myself this semester. Yes, I look the same. For now. I talk the same. I dress the same. Mostly. But I am not the same. What's the difference?


Right now I feel more motivated than I think I ever have. I feel motivated to do well in my classes, despite the fact that they involve reading a grand total of 55 novels and 30 picture books in the next 10 weeks, not to mention the crazy workload from my other classes. I feel motivated to have friends. For the first time in my life, I refuse to sit in my room watching a movie on Friday night, just feeling sorry for myself for not having a life. I feel motivated to know my ward. I want to actually be involved. I no longer want my ward to just be where I go to church on Sunday. I feel motivated to BE HAPPY! I have a good life! Why have I wasted so much time longing for things that I can't have? And last, but not least, I feel motivated to GET HEALTHY. Remember that thing that I'm doing in February? That half-marathony thing in DISNEY WORLD??? Well... thanks to the encouraging (and very firm) words of my amazing sister Tiffany, I've started training. It's slow and I have a long way to go, but it's going. Quite well... In fact, heres a shocker. I'm actually enjoying it. A lot. A lot a lot. Not, only that, but I'm changing my eating habits as well. Going low-carb hasn't even been that hard. I still eat delicious food, just different food.  I don't go hungry. But, here's the kicker. Two words:

8 pounds.

In a week and a half. Now, I know that pace probably won't last for long. But still. That is eight pounds that are gone forever (because I am going to force them to be gone forever). I am going to change. And I am going to try as hard as I can to never go back.


Tiffany said...

You sound so unbelievably happy! I am so glad you are figuring stuff out for yourself. You will never be happy unless you see that you deserve it and you have!!! Yay!
I love you!!! 8 lbs is AWESOME!!!

Teresa Clark - Storyteller said...

I had to delete my first comment, because your gr. gr. grandma made it - snicker.

I am so proud of you. You sound so happy and in charge. Not only that, you fully motivate me.

You go girl!

Love you,

The Clarks said...

WOOHOO! you go girl!!! so happy you are happy! :)

Taralyn said...

Yay Taunalee! I should start training...yeah.