Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Thumper and Satanic Shirts...

So I realized to day that many of you haven't met Thumper yet. He is one of my best friends in the entire world and has been serving me in stress reduction and anger management. I love him!!! Here he is...

Isn't he beautiful? I love him! :) Playing the guitar really is a big help in getting me through this semester. Especially with stuff like this:

This is what I lovingly refer to as "the wall of death." Yes, that is all Dr. Pepper, excluding of course the four cans of Red Bull perched on top. Three of my roommates have become flat out addicted to Dr. Pepper. Which is fine for them if they want to do it, but it's kind of a huge pain. One wrong move in the living room results in all 144 cans falling down! Then you have to rebuild it, and it takes forever... sigh. And now my yoga ball can't have nearly as much fun out there as it used to. Poor ball...

This is the other thing that's forcing me to overplay the guitar. A wretched fitted shirt. I love my sewing class- I really do, but I have learned that fashion design and tailoring are NOT the careers for me. It's not even really halfway done yet. I still have to build and attach the sleeves and hem the sides and finish the collar and sew in buttons and button holes and hem... It's great!
This is the lovely collar that is being so nice to me. I has literally taken me about 4 hours of pinning, sewing, unpicking, and re-sewing to get it to look this good. And it's still nowhere close to perfect. I think that shirt collars are a creation of the devil... :) Anyway, other than the evil shirt and the suicidal Dr. Pepper pyramid, life is pretty good right now! My classes are getting pretty intense now, but luckily it is mostly stuff I love! And this Friday marks the beginning of our choir tour called "God's Everlasting Love." It's a beautiful oratorio based off of poems that Elder Bednar wrote. So I have the premiere concert this Friday (which Elder Bednar is coming to!), then the following weekend we are performing in Twin Falls and Salt Lake City (in the tabernacle!!!), then we have the closing concert the next Friday. The preparation is really time consuming. I never realized how much work Women's Choir would be. In addition to class time this week, we have two additional 3 hour rehearsals. But the music is gorgeous and I love to sing, so naturally I love all the rehearsals.


The Clarks said...

if that pyramid fell down i would totally make them rebuild it if it meant that much to them! how annoying. i'm sorry you are stressed! even if you think that shirt is ugly, i think it is amazing. i cannot sew! your choir trip sounds awesome! have fun and try to stay sane with all your busy stuff! =) love ya.

Tiffany said...

Don't you mean my yoga ball?? ;) I would go Dr. Pepper bowling with the yoga ball. Just mysteriously knock it down and dissapear. hee hee. :) You are doing a great job on the shirt. My sewing is all about making rice bags. :) I like thumper. Now post a video of you playing him.

Stuart Clark said...

Love this post! Keep them coming.
Yes... we want video!!!
Video of you playing Thumper
Video of yoga ball bowling
The collar is beautiful - you are doing an excellent job.

We can't wait to hear you sing tonight!!!
Love you bunches!
Mom & Dad